Media publish page

Last Updated 8 months ago

Embed Options


Player size

  • Responsive - the player will scale to fit the on the page while maintaining the same aspect ratio as the video.
  • Fixed - the player will stick to the given width or height.

This setting will not affect previously embedded videos, only the new embed codes. Note that the player size does not affect the quality of video playback.



You can configure a custom publication schedule for media. If configured, the publication schedule overrides other means of publication, ensuring that the player will not present the video outside of the defined time frame.

When the Publish date is in the future, the player will display a countdown to when the video will be available:


When the Unpublish date is in the past, the player will display "This video is no longer available" information:


Note that the text displayed in the player may differ based on what player language is configured on your account under Settings -> Player -> Language.

Embed Code

  • Unique identifier - This is a unique identifier used to track separate instances of the player. Unique identifiers can be filtered on in API and statistics. Unique identifier should be an integer between 0 and 100000000.
  • Locked embed code - When enabled, will fix the embed code so it will preserve all options set when it was created. Any future changes on this page or Appearance page will not affect such embed code.
  • Iframe - The embed code which can be copied and then pasted in a CMS that accepts raw HTML.

Changes made here only affects embed codes copied from the "Iframe" field and only copied after the changes were made.

Start and Stop


You can specify a start and stop time for the video if you only want to show part of the video. This will affect also previously embedded videos, not only new embed codes.

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