Video doesn't process correctly

Last Updated 4 years ago


I've uploaded a video and it has appeared in the list of videos in Console but it is not processing correctly. If the video hasn't appeared in the list of videos, you should instead be reading Uploading not working article. If your video is showing status "Queued for processing" for very long, please refer to Uploading stuck article.


Screen9 can only process correctly formatted video. If something other than a video is uploaded or the video is incorrectly formatted, the processing will fail. Even though a video may play back fine on a local computer it doesn’t always mean that the video is correctly formatted and thus may fail in processing. In other cases, Screen9 does not support the video format or codec. This is uncommon as Screen9 supports almost all video formats in the industry, for more details about supported formats please read Supported video formats article.


When an uploaded file has failed processing the Screen9 system will provide more information about why this happened. Common reasons for error are that the file is not a valid video, that it has been created in a non-standard way or that it is using an unsupported codec. If you have created the video yourself, try exporting it to a different video format. For a recommendation of what format to upload please refer to Recommended upload formats article.

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