Screen9 Callbacks

Last Updated 4 years ago

Not all uploads and changes are handled via your CMS. For example media is uploaded via Screen9 FTP or Screen9 Console, and media metadata is edited in Screen9 Console. In order to keep your CMS in sync with those changes, we support callbacks.

A callback is a HTTP GET request to a URL that you provide. Query parameters are appended to the URL depending on the type of the callback. Your callback handler is expected to respond with 200 on success. When success has not been achieved, Screen9 will retry the callback periodically for a maximum of 48 hours.

To configure callback URL, navigate to the API tab of the Settings page in the Console. Under the API tab you will find a Callback URL box. Enter the URL you want to receive callbacks on in the URL field of the Callback URL box and choose which type of callbacks you would like to receive.


There are two types of callbacks that can be called when a specific action is triggered:

  1. Uploads
    • A newly uploaded media has been set to successful, after all preview formats have been transcoded
    • A clone has been created
    • A live event has been registered

    Appended to the URL as a query parameter is mediaid, status, title, userid and message (message is deprecated and always empty)
  2. Uploads and updates
    • A newly uploaded media has been set to successful, after all preview formats have been transcoded
    • A clone has been created
    • A live event has been registered
    • Media meta data has been edited in Screen9 Console. See below for a list of tracked meta data.

    Appended to the URL as a query parameter is the mediaid.

    Meta data that triggers a callback when edited via Screen9 Console:

    • category
    • description
    • moderation status
    • publication windows
    • live event start and end times
    • tags
    • title image and thumbnail
    • title
    • subtitles
    • featured
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