Metadata – Categories, Tags and Properties

Last Updated 8 months ago

Category and Tags can be described as generic metadata. Category and Tags are values ​​that are primarily used by users. Tags can either be created on-the-fly or predefined by an Administrator under Settings.


Properties can be described as purpose-specific and hidden metadata. They are used to facilitate your own unique workflows and processes, eg. Property: Product_expires = 2022-07-01. Properties are primarily used by other systems that communicate with the video platform such as a PIM, DAM, MRM or CMS. If used by users, there is a Settings option to only allow for pre-defined tags.


All metadata (Title, Description, Category, Tags, Properties etc.) can be read and written via APIs for interaction with other systems.

Note: Categories can be made hidden and then they are not visible in Video Site or returned by REST API token with access level set to Public.

Defining Metadata

Navigate to the Metadata section in Settings and choose the + button to create a new Category, Tag or Property. Here, you can also control if users are allowed to create new tags or properties on-the-fly in the platform.


Assigning Tags and Category in the Media Overview page

Go to Media. From Media list, select the video in which you want to edit metadata.
In Overview, choose Category from dropdown list or start writing the name of the Tag you wish to set.


Assigning Tags and Category in the Media list page

Select clip(s) in the Media list and choose action in bulk action bar shown at the bottom of the page.


Avoid redundancy!

If there are already dedicated accounts for departments, intranets, external websites, etc., then there is no need to specify this again as a category for these videos. Likewise, Category and Tags should not overlap.

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