Zoom & Crop

Last Updated a year ago

In this tutorial you'll learn how to use zoom & crop functionality for video or image clips. This way you can create a picture-in-picture effect for your movie.

Create a new project

First, you need to create a new project using either the Console or from the Video Editor dashboard. See the overview article for more details.

Add a video track

To display two clips at the same time, an additional video track is needed. Add it with the "Add track" button:


A new track appears above the existing one:


Add clips to tracks

Search for videos in the upper right area using a text search or narrow down the results using a category or a tag filter. Below is an example of a text filter "Lake" in a "Life" category. These clips will be used to produce the final video.


Drag and drop the clips to separate video tracks:


Notice the preview now shows only the upper clip:


Resize clip

Click on the clip in video 2 track to bring up the "Edit clip" window. Expand the "Size and position" area:


It shows the initial values for zoom and position of the clip. The position is based off the center of the movie. You can now drag and drop the corners of the clip in the preview area or move the clip to a different position. Once you are done with the dragging, the zoom level and position will change accordingly.


Crop clip

In a similar way, you can crop a clip so only a selected area of it will be rendered in the final video. Expand the "Crop" area:


And click on "Crop mode" button to start cropping:


Notice, the dragging corners are now colored white to indicate clip is in crop mode and not in resize mode.

Drag corners so only a part of the clip is selected. You can also use a different setting for ratio, eg. 1:1 so a square area will be selected:


Click on the "Save crop" button to confirm your selection. The clip is now back to resize mode and only portion of it is displayed in the preview:

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