Distribution to social media

Last Updated 4 months ago

This page aims to cover the integrations which will help you distribute your content to different social media platforms.

The platforms that are available are:

  1. Facebook
  2. LinkedIn
  3. X (Twitter)
  4. YouTube

Export to Facebook

You can connect multiple Facebook pages to your Quickchannel account and have videos automatically or manually exported to them.

Connect a Facebook page

Go to Settings Connections Syndication in the Console and press "Connect with Facebook", then log in to your Facebook account.

Your Facebook page should now show up under "Pages" in the Console as displayed below.


Export existing media

You can see the export status of your videos under the Distribution section in the single media page for your media in the Console. Here you get the option to export media, if it isn't already exported, by just pressing "Export" next to your desired export destinations. If your media is already exported you can just as easily remove it from your Facebook page by pressing "Remove".

Export to LinkedIn

You can connect your Quickchannel account to a LinkedIn organization and easily export your videos to its LinkedIn page.

Connect a LinkedIn Account

You can connect a LinkedIn organization to your Quickchannel account under Syndication on the Integrations page of Settings.


After authenticating with LinkedIn and giving Quickchannel permission to access your organizations, they will show up in Console. Any unwanted organizations can easily be removed by clicking the garbage can icon. Only organizations where you are added as an Administrator can be connected with Quickchannel.

Exporting videos

You can export media on your account under Distribution of the media you want to export by clicking the "Export" button.


After a successful export a link to the exported video will be presented. And you have the ability to remove the video from LinkedIn by clicking the "Remove" button.


Primarily videos will be uploaded to LinkedIn, which will play inline at LinkedIn. However, for videos longer than 10 minutes, this is not possible to due restrictions with LinkedIn. Instead the video is in those cases shared as an image that links the users to a Quickchannel video page.

Export to X (former Twitter)

You can connect your Quickchannel account to your X accounts to easily publish your videos on Twitter.

Connect X Account


You can connect X account to your Quickchannel account under Syndication on the Connections page of Settings.

Export Existing Media

You can export media on your account under Distribution page of the media you want to export by clicking the "Export" button.

Note: Videos longer than 140s cannot be published due to X (former Twitter) API Limitations.


Clicking the export button will cause a window to appear where you can specify the content of the post, which will appear on Your account.


Under the Distribution tab for your media, you can export it to X. Once published, there will be a link to the post visible on the page under the X account.


Export to YouTube

You can connect your Quickchannel account with one or many YouTube accounts and then have videos automatically exported with meta data attached.

Connect your YouTube account

Connect your YouTube account(s) by going to Settings Integrations Syndication in the Console. Give your account a name and click the Connect button. Note that the name can be any name you like, it has nothing to do with your login information to YouTube.

When you click the Add button, you will be redirected to a google accounts page where you login with the YouTube account that you wish to make the connection to. Select the account and follow Google's instructions.


Exporting videos

With your account connected, you now have the ability to export videos to said accounts. Each video has a Distribution section on their single media page and by clicking the "Export" button in the YouTube box, the Quickchannel system submits the file to YouTube including meta data. Exported videos will show their publishing status and you can also delete videos from YouTube by clicking the "Remove" button.


How and what meta data is exported

Title, description and tags are synchronized with YouTube. This means that if you change your meta data in any way, those changes are sent to YouTube. The synchronization doesn't work the other way though so if you make changes in YouTube, they will not be reflected in Quickchannel and they will also be overwritten the next time you make any changes in Quickchannel.

Note that the media will be synchronized as long as the YouTube account is connected with your Quickchannel account the video on YouTube will be updated if media in Quickchannel is, this also goes for removing media.

If you plan to keep your media on YouTube and close your Quickchannel account, make sure you remove the connection to YouTube first or your videos will be removed from YouTube automatically when deleted in Quickchannel.

Automatic Export


On the Upload page of Settings you can enable automatic export for your export destinations. New uploads to your Quickchannel account will automatically be exported to all of your export destinations with automatic export enabled.

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